CV Guidance

… get your ‘curriculum vitae’ noticed – for all the right reasons! 


Do you need a ‘stand out’ cv - one that will get noticed – for all the right reasons - by a prospective employer or anyone else who might need to be impressed by you and your credentials?   

Rather than merely listing what you’ve done and when, a great cv will demonstrate, succinctly, what you have personally learned or achieved.  

It could help you to get on the shortlist and be invited for that all important interview!


Get your ‘stand out’ cv off to a great start today… 


My cv 

This guidance contains suggestions on how and where to start; formatting; what information to include; chronological ordering and helpful ‘top tips’. 


A typical farm worker’s cv

This sample cv will help you think about your own skills, characteristics, experience and achievements and how best to set them out.  It will give you ideas on how to ensure your cv demonstrates what you could contribute to the role you are applying for and why you deserve an interview. 


A blank cv template 



Adapt and save this online template to create your new ‘standard’ cv which you can update or ‘tailor’ to match any role you apply for in future.



Case Studies:


18 May 2020

Want or need to get your cv noticed?


Elin Orrells:


Nia Powell: