Labour Market Information

Get outdoors!

Tourism is big business in Wales.

What does it mean for Wales?

Apprenticeship Policy in Wales is changing

Apprenticeships provide skilled workers that employers need now and in the future, meeting the needs of our changing economy.

A guide to employing and training older workers.

Access the information relevant to your business allowing you to better respond to labour market changes and needs

The proportion of employers in Wales who provide training fluctuates...

between 62 and 63 per cent. Browse through our skills programmes here.

Of employers that train, 54% provide training that leads to a nationally

 recognised qualification. To find out more about the importance of qualifications, click here…


Wales has developed a highly successful apprenticeship programme with framework completion rates consistently over 80%.

5 compelling reasons for businesses to invest in older workers

Did you know? Within the next five years, one in three people of working age in Wales will be over the age of 50.

The Future of Work in Wales - the impact of technology on jobs in the future

The greater use of artificial intelligence and robotics is set to dramatically alter the kinds of jobs available in Wales within the next 20 years according to a report by the Wales Centre for Public Policy.

STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

1 in 5 new jobs in the UK by 2022, will be a STEM job

North Wales Economic Ambition Board

Find out what developments are happening in north Wales and the opportunities they provide.

Regional Learning and Skills Partnership south west and mid Wales

View labour market information relevant to the south west and mid Wales areas.

Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership

Get information on employment and skills demands in the Cardiff Capital Region.

Careers Wales

Careers Wales provides information on the developing Job trends in Wales, by region and sector of business.

Tourism sector

Tourism makes an increasing contribution to the economic and social well-being of Wales.